Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 7th, 2009

Soda came out today. I had 4oz instead of 12, so that saves 100 calories.

It's not much, but I also skipped out on 30 cals worth of skittles and a piece of hard candy for 10.

Total saved calories for the day: 140

Total saved calories for the week:140

Total saved calories for the month:1860

Total saved calories for the year: 1860

October 6th, 2009

Goodness. There was half a brownie today and I enjoyed it. Then there was ice cream and I enjoyed that too. Husband brought home a candy bar and I ate two bites of it.

Not so much on the shunning today. This represents typical before I started thinking about sugar.

October 5th, 2009

Today didn't present much opportunity to eat sugar, so there's nothing of note to report.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4th, 2009

I did get the sugar in the coffee. Pumpkin lattes only come once a year. I also chose a scone rather than a sweeter pastry.

I looked down my nose at the soda for 110 calories. Ice cream didn't happen at 286 calories.

Total saved calories for the day: 480

Total saved calories for the week:1720

Total saved calories for the month:1720

Total saved calories for the year: 1720

October 3rd, 2009

When a package of cookies comes into the house, I'll usually have 6 at desert time. Today, none. That's 480 calories for the day.

It was a fragile day for me, which doesn't happen often. I was short of temper for most of the afternoon, screeching at the kids and being evil to husband. I took a walk and got a breve, had the syrup shot because I wanted it, and felt better afterward. A little better, because at 7:30, I just wanted to take a steaming shower (!) and quit thinking. I didn't feel all the way better until I watched a great movie- NiƱas Mal, which made me happy.

So- Total saved calories for the day: 480

Total saved calories for the week:1240

Total saved calories for the month:1240

Total saved calories for the year: 1240

I have a meeting tomorrow and I intend to drink a coffee there. I'll have to decide then if I want plain breve. (If it was good coffee, I wouldn't have to think about it at all.) Why can't Southern Cross be closer? For all it's wanker name, they're the best in town.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2nd, 2009

Forewent a handful of candycorn twice. That's 140 calories.

Skittles came out and I said no. I usually only eat 6 at a time, so that's 30 cals.

Sucked down 65oz of water, which is, um, I'd say a little improvement over my usual 20oz.

Total saved calories for the day: 170

Total saved calories for the week:760

Total saved calories for the month: 760

Total saved calories for the year: 760

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st 2009

I passed by a donut for 260 calories and skipped the cranberry sauce at dinner for 330 calories. It's shocking that with those two little things left off the plate I didn't eat 590 calories.

Net savings since kicking sweets- 590.